Women Who Thrive, Change The World!

Posts tagged ‘self awareness’

Wildly Free Elder!


Aging with vitality, grace, self love and compassion, along with a huge dose of humor, is our greatest accomplishment.  After all, getting older is something many will never experience.

The Japanese say – Shi Bui – which translates as the beauty of aging.

Rather than being a fall away from beauty in all of it’s meanings, aging can be the revelation of beauty, the time when the inner radiance becomes visible for all genders.

Shining from the inside out our natural presence is honored by finding dignity, reverence, belonging, resilience, humor and wholeness – from within.

Not domesticated nor……READ MORE ON OUR NEW WEBSITE:  WildlyFreeElder.com

Wildly Free Elder – The Artistry of Aging places attention on shifting the present mainstream narrative on aging,  providing resources, and building a global community for connection, collaboration and artistry.

Please join our community by signing up for blog posts, submitting an Elder Spotlight or blog post article in alignment with WildlyFreeElder, or joining our global Conscious Aging Conversations via Zoom.  It really doesn’t matter how old you are – we are ALL aging!


Created by Gaye Abbott, Natural Passages Consulting, August 7, 2020

What You Are The World Is


“What you are the world is.  And without your transformation there can  be no transformation of the world. “ J. Krisnamurti

In the early days of my spiritual explorations, beginning many years ago now, I found Krishnamurti and many other philosophers who helped guide me along my path.

Then I dug deeper and found the places inside my feminine self that lived, breathed and embodied the interconnected way of being…….

……versus thinking about it.

All life expanding and gathering inside the Universe of our own body, heart and soul.

Aren’t we always undergoing alchemy – a transformation that is not a goal to reach, but an on going peeling away of the old skin of conditioned patterns that are ready to be shed over and over again.

Are we so stuck in limited human thought that we can’t wake up to the sound a hummingbird makes while sipping nectar from the vast inner dimensions of a purple flower?


Copyright Gaye Abbott, 10/20/19





Dazzled In Reflection


Every day I walk into the world to be dazzled then to be reflective.”  ~Mary Oliver

What if this was a mantra for the day as we opened our eyes to a fresh and pure day unencumbered by yesterday or the day to come?

Ready to be dazzled and in awe of even the simplest ordinary moments we experience. Open to creating from the wellspring of possibilities born out of the spiral of reflection.

Even this morning I find immense pleasure in the cup of hot jasmine tea flowing from my lavender teapot –  it’s elegant golden sweet and simply jasmine aroma and taste, seductively and peacefully lulling me into this one single moment.

The green tea jasmine pearls coming from far away in the Fujian Province of China. The hand rolled pearls are dried then blended with unopened night-blooming jasmine flowers.  Over the course of a night, the flowers open and release their aroma into the tea flavoring it and giving it the heady scent.  The next morning the flowers are removed and the operation is done all over again – up to six times for high quality jasmine teas!fujian-province-chinaThis is art pure and simple. From cultivating, harvesting and preparing these delicate small pearls that clink as I drop a few into my teapot.  I watch them unfurl – literally blooming before my eyes – to their full embodied leaf form as they merge with the hot water I pour over them.

Sweet local raw wildflower honey – natures liquid gold –  joins with the already brewing elements and creates a masterpiece worthy of “being dazzled”. Slowly sipping from the deep, dark red ceramic cup nature embraces the moment.

How has mindful reflection changed this moment in time?

Open to being dazzled, shifting ordinary moments to rich extraordinary ones you will never quite forget as reflection expands awareness in an ever deepening spiral.


Copyright Gaye Abbott, 9/22/19









In a gentle way you can shake the world.” ~Mahatma Gandhi

Attending to life is a sacred act of love.

A few weeks ago I visited my home town of San Diego, California in the beach area of Ocean Beach/Point Loma where I was born, raised and brought three sons into the world – with the purpose of spending time with family still living there.

It was like living my life backwards with so many memories arising as I walked my old haunts and the hard packed sand at the waters edge.  On one of these walks I reflected on my entry experience at the airport a day before.

Since it had been decades since I flew into San Diego I found the airport not only larger, but more complex in an organized way.  One of the improvements being that car rentals were now in one building in back of the airport.  To reach this building one needed to ride the 11-minute shuttle to get there.

As the door opened for the shuttle bus I was to ride a beautiful African American woman stepped down from the front of the bus onto the sidewalk with a huge smile on her face and greeted us all with an immense inviting and loving energy, calling us precious as she took our luggage and lifted it into the designated spots within the bus.

As another woman sat down next to me she turned and with a smile on her face said to me, “I’ve never been called precious before!”  In just that one gentle way our bus driver had opened up and connected this woman to herself and to me.

It did not stop there!  Once the bus was loaded and the driver had greeted everyone and stowed their luggage we were under way to the car rental building.  As you know, travel can be stressful and sometimes the purpose of individual’s travel can run the gamut from vacation to attending to immense challenges they may be faced with.

The driver greeted us on the PA system, asked how all of us were doing – waiting for our responses, and then proceeded to tell us a little about San Diego and what we were passing by on our short journey.

In the silence that followed this everyone on the bus all of a sudden started hearing  oldies songs, like Moon River, that were whistled over the speaker system…..by our entertaining bus drive.  And she was good!

Following that she invited us to sing children’s songs that she probably sang with her grandchildren, and which most everyone on the bus had sung as a child.  We went the gamut from “The Wheels on the Bus Go Round & Round” to “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” and finally to “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” (with animal suggestions from her captive audience) .

Next on the agenda she challenged anyone who wanted to participate to say tongue twisters with her….and one man from New Zealand standing on the bus with a very large box took it on and succeeded with the most lovely accent!

At this point we were just about to our destination. As I looked around all of the passengers were smiling and connecting with each other.  The entire energy on the bus had changed.  We were connected and enjoying the few moments it took us to get to our destination, the stress of travel forgotten.

As everyone stepped down from the bus our driver handed us our luggage from where it was stowed with a huge smile.  I thanked her for such an entertaining and community connected trip with a shared connected smile.

This woman had engaged us in the short moments we were all together and created something extraordinary from a job and 11 minutes together that could have been quite ordinary simply getting us where we needed to be.

Enough was indeed a feast!

When we as women question whether we are good enough, or simply enough, we are caught in the entanglement of either cultures expectations, or our very own patterns and perfectionism.

What would it be like to simply let go of those expectations, a diagnosis, labels or identities –  and discover who we are as extraordinary, empowered and creative beings in our fullest expressions in any given ordinary moment?

Perhaps we shall find that in honoring our “being enough” it takes us from the ordinary to the extraordinary.

Shake the World Sistah and create a feast!

Copyright Gaye Abbott, 9/8/19



Breathing Spaces

Life At Wolf Creek



Our Life Is Our Art!

Margaret Warfield ~ Artist http://www.margaretwarfield.com

In an interview with beloved photographer Dewitt Jones he said, “taking time to fill your cup every day is an act of creative selfishness.

If we can see our creativity as a way to “fall in love with our world” instead of something that other people are judging, then we are well on our way to being authentic in our expression.

That shift in consciousness around our very individual and unique contribution to the world – whatever it is – can not only enliven us, but can awaken other living beings as we touch their lives.

We are connected to something much larger than we are.

The energy of passion, the deepest of reflection or even the sacred suffering that everyone experiences at times in their lives, holds the reminder to embrace the celebration of wholeness that is held within each day.

Our life is our art!

Listen to WHO by Gypsy Soul below, a distinctively unique group from Ashland, Oregon. We are the sum of the choices we make! This single is the stridently independent Gypsy Soul playing in Seattle’s Triple Door Theater:


But if you are gonna fail, fail for who you are rather than failing while trying to be good at what other artists and writers have been good at. Fail looking for the truth rather than because you tried to avoid it.

 Recognize your beauty, submerge yourself in it, and create out of it.” ~Archibald Campbell, Wild Artist

Gaye Abbott, 7/23/19



Breathing Spaces


Freeing What Waits Within You


Wolf Creek, Grass Valley, California

I believe in all that has never yet been spoken
Rainer Maria Rilke

(English version by Anita Barrows and Joanna Macy)

I believe in all that has never yet been spoken.
I want to free what waits within me
so that what no one has dared to wish for

may for once spring clear
without my contriving.

If this is arrogant, God, forgive me,
but this is what I need to say.
May what I do flow from me like a river,
no forcing and no holding back,
the way it is with children.

Then in these swelling and ebbing currents,
these deepening tides moving out, returning,
I will sing you as no one ever has,

streaming through widening channels
into the open sea.

If you were a body of water what would you be? What qualities would you possess and what color(s) would you reflect?

Water often represents flow even in a frozen form, for eventually it will melt and flow once again.  From where I am in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains I know the rivers and creeks originating from many sources all flow down to the sea where our ancient lineage first came into being.

Perhaps water can be used as a metaphor in your life for freeing what may be stuck .  We all have those places inside that resist the flow, just like rocks and other debris in rivers, streams and creeks.

What path does the river or creek water take?  Discovering its way around and back to the Source – far too compelling to stay still for very long.

Joining with other waters – “widening channels into the open sea.”

Void of planning or controlling the outcome or your expression, but instead awakening to what it is like to simply let go and allow life to unfold possibility…

What does that look and feel like to you?


I am the wild creek emerging from a deep source embraced within the earth.

Flowing down the hill within rock banks and past guardian trees.

Holding me on course.

I am the creek always flowing and clearing the way.

Taking bits and pieces of life depositing them where new growth can spring forth,

Opening pathways with powerful creative force.

Finding a way around obstacles,

Through the ancient knowing of elemental wisdom.

Sometimes roaring with passionate, playful aliveness,

and in other moments still with possibility.

You may drink from me and find that the mystery becomes

clear enough to find your way,

into the heart of your unexpressed being.

Gaye Abbott, 6/30/19


OTHER BLOGS By Gaye Abbott:
















The Dream That Dwells in the Soul

The greatest possibilities lay in wait as a human heart is freed to open. Speaking language that is birthed from a clear and open space of stillness – of Being. A space that speaks not of what we have done, but of wh

“Beauty calls us beyond ourselves and it encourages us to engage the dream that dwells in the Soul.”  John O’Donohue

At times in our lives we are reminded to harvest the beauty from within.  It can’t be seen….but felt.

This beauty calls for stillness so that she may be heard amidst lives of doing.

It was this call that had me keeping to my loft bed the other morning with a warm quilt, a view of the mini-pollinator garden on my deck, the green backdrop of trees and the sound of Wolf Creek below.

As women we most often feel compelled to “keep things going”, serve until we have nothing left to give, and never ever be idle.  This comes from a long lineage of women before us who’s lives and culture dictated they constantly be engaged.

We had little time for dreams beyond ourselves and the work at hand.

Yet it is within the clear and open space of stillness – of simply being – that the nature of who we are is seen and honored.

As I sat propped up in bed feeling perfectly healthy (one must be “sick” to stay in bed!) there were moments of feeling I should be “doing something”, but this old internal conversation died a peaceful death as I listened to a call much stronger.

To simply rest and be present to the unfolding moment. What richness dwells there!

What if we dedicated time on a regular basis to simply dwell quietly in the unfolding moments without agendas, schedules or demands?

No distractions from electronic devices, but a place where such things as gardens, nature, books, blank canvases and a fountain pen are the “tools” of the day.

One might call this “fasting” – the popular diet fad right now – from everything, anything or person that takes away from making love with the beauty within.

From this space the dreams have room to show themselves with no time constraint or restriction.

They are launched from the beauty of expansive stillness and inspired from the body at rest.

Without self judgement or guilt around actually doing nothing….and accepting everything.

Embracing the moment, dozing in the comfort and gestating the dreams beyond doing.

The dream that dwells in the heart then has room to breathe and make itself know beyond identities that may claim you.

Fertile ground for acknowledgement and acceptance.

Rich soil where roots can dig down and true nature can take over…

telling the story of the possibilities of our dreams.


Gaye Abbott, 5/30/19










Inspiration From Maya Angelou


Uplift just published a short article on this amazing woman of character, passion, transparency and strength.  I am passing some of their words on to you for inspiration – and to challenge YOU to mine the depths of your heart and soul for your own unique answers to these questions.

“Born in St. Louis in 1928, Maya Angelou had an unmistakable rhythm to her soul, a deep strength that held her up and the ability to make words dance. Just like a phoenix, she faced adversity in her life, and rose, again and again, from the ashes.

Having lived her life to the fullest against all odds, Maya Angelou fought to show the world the truth of what she believed– that every life counts and “it takes each of us to make a difference for all of us.” Today, we’re sharing inspiration from the great woman herself, so that we can all rise together.

Inspiration From a Poet that Will Make Your Heart Sing

On life:
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.

On the power of perspective:
If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.

On what really counts:
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

On the power of forgiveness:
It’s one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, to forgive. Forgive everybody.

On having your own back:
I learned a long time ago the wisest thing I can do is be on my own side, be an advocate for myself.

Maya Angelou quoteI’m a woman. Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That’s me.


On finding the balance:
A wise woman wishes to be no one’s enemy; a wise woman refuses to be anyone’s victim.

On the importance of courage:
One isn’t necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.

On personal growth:
We have to confront ourselves. Do we like what we see in the mirror? And, according to our light, according to our understanding, according to our courage, we will have to say yea or nay – and rise!

On the value of each and every action:
I’m convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done everywhere. For a change, start by speaking to people rather than walking by them like they’re stones that don’t matter. As long as you’re breathing, it’s never too late to do some good.

On aging your own way:
The most important thing I can tell you about aging is this: If you really feel that you want to have an off-the-shoulder blouse and some big beads and thong sandals and a dirndl skirt and a magnolia in your hair, do it. Even if you’re wrinkled.

And finally, on herself:
I would like to be known as an intelligent woman, a courageous woman, a loving woman, a woman who teaches by being.” (Taken from https://upliftconnect.com/)


Gaye Abbott, Natural Passages Consulting, 2/14/19

She Let Go


SHE LET GO ~By Rev. Safire Rose~ “She let go. Without a thought or a word, she let go. She let go of the fear. She let go of the judgments. She let go of the committee of indecision within her. She let go of all the right reasons. Wholly and completely, without hesitation or worry, she let go. She didn’t ask anyone for advice. She didn’t read a book on how to let go. She didn’t search the scriptures. She just let go. She let go of all the memories that held her back. She let go of all the anxiety that kept her from moving forward. She let go of the planning and all of the calculations about how to do it just right. She didn’t promise to let go. She didn’t journal about it. She didn’t write the projected date in her Day Timer. She made no public announcement and put no ad in the paper. She didn’t check the weather report or read her daily horoscope. She just let go. She didn’t analyze whether she should let go. She didn’t call her friends to discuss the matter. She didn’t utter one word. She just let go. No one was around when it happened. There was no applause or congratulations. No one thanked her or praised her. No one noticed a thing. Like a leaf falling from a tree, she just let go. There was no effort. There was no struggle. It wasn’t good. It wasn’t bad. It was what it was and it is just that. In the space of letting go, she let it be. A small smile came over her face. A light breeze blew through her. And the sun and the moon shone for evermore.”


How often in our lives do we strive for the answer or struggle to push onward when everything in us wants to surrender? Surrender meaning not “giving up”, but instead resting in the place of strength and courage that it takes simply to let go and find out what is underneath all of the striving, angst, control and fear.

The quote above reminds me of how awareness can expand and possibilities arise once the walls come down and the striving and struggle stops.  Once the ego stops fueling the mind and the quest for answers becomes something that is less for security and more for being willing to rest in and act from the being of who we are.  Trusting that being…

I remember a very powerful dream that I had quite some years ago during a time that I was teetering on the edge of simply letting go or hacking my way through the challenges that presented and proving to myself that “I could do it”. In this dream I was walking with many others along a trail out in nature and we were all traveling towards a “university of higher learning and knowing”.

I noticed that some had come with equipment – ropes, backpacks and such – and was curious about why.  As we drew closer to being able to see the “University” in the distance we came to an abrupt halt where the path apparently 139710067ended and a cliff with a very steep drop was right before us.  I watched as others put on climbing gear and started repelling down the dangerous slope.  A few fell, others became injured and many made it down to continue on their journey.

As I stood at the cliff side filled with fear and indecision about whether I wanted to go on or not and if so how I would go about it,  my thoughts hit a point of stillness, a full breath arose, and I was guided to look to my left.  There in full view was a continuation of the path which meandered through the forest out into open valley and right to the doors of the “University”.

Sometimes we are challenged to strengthen the knowing of who we are by moving through obstacles and barriers in our lives.  When these challenges become a means to “prove ourselves”, versus inhabit ourselves more fully, then there is a decision to make.  In this dream I made the decision to take the path to the left.

Not out of fear of the challenges on the cliff side or having to prove that I could do it, but out of a place of letting go into my breath, into the moment and being curious enough to wait and see what would unfold.  There is no right or wrong decision to have made in this dream….and perhaps you will find even deeper meaning for yourself….yet it was in simply letting go and becoming curious that it became clear what my choice was to be.

….and the sun and the moon shone forever more.


photo(62)Gaye Abbott, RYT assists individuals to drop the layers that cover the natural innate blueprint we came in with and reveal, through a combination of evolutionary energy work, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Reiki and breath re-patterning, the larger purpose and co-creative expression that we are here for.

For those interested in receiving private sessions please contact Gaye at: JoyfulGaye@NaturalPassages.com.  Travel to your location in the U.S. or globally is available.  Please inquire.  Skype: gaye.abbott


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