Women Who Thrive, Change The World!

Posts tagged ‘self expression’

Love The Life Within You

This beautiful wise elder woman who lives in South Africa shares her bread, candle and tango wisdom with us on what it is to passionately and devotedly love the life within you. Expressing it without any reservations or doubt.

The question to place our attention on – “What is love?”

The simple answer? – To love the life within you.

Not something we have been taught as women in most of the cultures we have grown up in.

When I am communing with nature or moving my body within an improvisational wildly free dance I remember who I am, the passions that are uniquely mine, and the wholeness and artistry that I wish to share with the world.

An elder now myself I look back on the past and the parts of myself I seemingly “lost” when I sacrificed my own knowing.

As Meraal says in the video, no matter what age you are, there is always opportunity to pour those parts that have been carefully tucked inside back into our lives.

Celebrating with a deep sense of belonging, self acceptance and joy!

Meraal van Wyk, Swellendam, South Africa. Gratitude to Green Renaissance for this beautiful video!

Encouragement to share this post with a link to WildlyFreeWoman. Gaye Abbott, 10/2/21


Finding Home: Conscious Embodied Relocation Services: Stories, guidance and specific pathways and practices to embrace finding a new home base and sanctuary.

Wildly Free Elder!


Aging with vitality, grace, self love and compassion, along with a huge dose of humor, is our greatest accomplishment.  After all, getting older is something many will never experience.

The Japanese say – Shi Bui – which translates as the beauty of aging.

Rather than being a fall away from beauty in all of it’s meanings, aging can be the revelation of beauty, the time when the inner radiance becomes visible for all genders.

Shining from the inside out our natural presence is honored by finding dignity, reverence, belonging, resilience, humor and wholeness – from within.

Not domesticated nor……READ MORE ON OUR NEW WEBSITE:  WildlyFreeElder.com

Wildly Free Elder – The Artistry of Aging places attention on shifting the present mainstream narrative on aging,  providing resources, and building a global community for connection, collaboration and artistry.

Please join our community by signing up for blog posts, submitting an Elder Spotlight or blog post article in alignment with WildlyFreeElder, or joining our global Conscious Aging Conversations via Zoom.  It really doesn’t matter how old you are – we are ALL aging!


Created by Gaye Abbott, Natural Passages Consulting, August 7, 2020

Our Life Is Our Art!

Margaret Warfield ~ Artist http://www.margaretwarfield.com

In an interview with beloved photographer Dewitt Jones he said, “taking time to fill your cup every day is an act of creative selfishness.

If we can see our creativity as a way to “fall in love with our world” instead of something that other people are judging, then we are well on our way to being authentic in our expression.

That shift in consciousness around our very individual and unique contribution to the world – whatever it is – can not only enliven us, but can awaken other living beings as we touch their lives.

We are connected to something much larger than we are.

The energy of passion, the deepest of reflection or even the sacred suffering that everyone experiences at times in their lives, holds the reminder to embrace the celebration of wholeness that is held within each day.

Our life is our art!

Listen to WHO by Gypsy Soul below, a distinctively unique group from Ashland, Oregon. We are the sum of the choices we make! This single is the stridently independent Gypsy Soul playing in Seattle’s Triple Door Theater:


But if you are gonna fail, fail for who you are rather than failing while trying to be good at what other artists and writers have been good at. Fail looking for the truth rather than because you tried to avoid it.

 Recognize your beauty, submerge yourself in it, and create out of it.” ~Archibald Campbell, Wild Artist

Gaye Abbott, 7/23/19



Breathing Spaces


Freeing What Waits Within You


Wolf Creek, Grass Valley, California

I believe in all that has never yet been spoken
Rainer Maria Rilke

(English version by Anita Barrows and Joanna Macy)

I believe in all that has never yet been spoken.
I want to free what waits within me
so that what no one has dared to wish for

may for once spring clear
without my contriving.

If this is arrogant, God, forgive me,
but this is what I need to say.
May what I do flow from me like a river,
no forcing and no holding back,
the way it is with children.

Then in these swelling and ebbing currents,
these deepening tides moving out, returning,
I will sing you as no one ever has,

streaming through widening channels
into the open sea.

If you were a body of water what would you be? What qualities would you possess and what color(s) would you reflect?

Water often represents flow even in a frozen form, for eventually it will melt and flow once again.  From where I am in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains I know the rivers and creeks originating from many sources all flow down to the sea where our ancient lineage first came into being.

Perhaps water can be used as a metaphor in your life for freeing what may be stuck .  We all have those places inside that resist the flow, just like rocks and other debris in rivers, streams and creeks.

What path does the river or creek water take?  Discovering its way around and back to the Source – far too compelling to stay still for very long.

Joining with other waters – “widening channels into the open sea.”

Void of planning or controlling the outcome or your expression, but instead awakening to what it is like to simply let go and allow life to unfold possibility…

What does that look and feel like to you?


I am the wild creek emerging from a deep source embraced within the earth.

Flowing down the hill within rock banks and past guardian trees.

Holding me on course.

I am the creek always flowing and clearing the way.

Taking bits and pieces of life depositing them where new growth can spring forth,

Opening pathways with powerful creative force.

Finding a way around obstacles,

Through the ancient knowing of elemental wisdom.

Sometimes roaring with passionate, playful aliveness,

and in other moments still with possibility.

You may drink from me and find that the mystery becomes

clear enough to find your way,

into the heart of your unexpressed being.

Gaye Abbott, 6/30/19


OTHER BLOGS By Gaye Abbott:
















The Dream That Dwells in the Soul

The greatest possibilities lay in wait as a human heart is freed to open. Speaking language that is birthed from a clear and open space of stillness – of Being. A space that speaks not of what we have done, but of wh

“Beauty calls us beyond ourselves and it encourages us to engage the dream that dwells in the Soul.”  John O’Donohue

At times in our lives we are reminded to harvest the beauty from within.  It can’t be seen….but felt.

This beauty calls for stillness so that she may be heard amidst lives of doing.

It was this call that had me keeping to my loft bed the other morning with a warm quilt, a view of the mini-pollinator garden on my deck, the green backdrop of trees and the sound of Wolf Creek below.

As women we most often feel compelled to “keep things going”, serve until we have nothing left to give, and never ever be idle.  This comes from a long lineage of women before us who’s lives and culture dictated they constantly be engaged.

We had little time for dreams beyond ourselves and the work at hand.

Yet it is within the clear and open space of stillness – of simply being – that the nature of who we are is seen and honored.

As I sat propped up in bed feeling perfectly healthy (one must be “sick” to stay in bed!) there were moments of feeling I should be “doing something”, but this old internal conversation died a peaceful death as I listened to a call much stronger.

To simply rest and be present to the unfolding moment. What richness dwells there!

What if we dedicated time on a regular basis to simply dwell quietly in the unfolding moments without agendas, schedules or demands?

No distractions from electronic devices, but a place where such things as gardens, nature, books, blank canvases and a fountain pen are the “tools” of the day.

One might call this “fasting” – the popular diet fad right now – from everything, anything or person that takes away from making love with the beauty within.

From this space the dreams have room to show themselves with no time constraint or restriction.

They are launched from the beauty of expansive stillness and inspired from the body at rest.

Without self judgement or guilt around actually doing nothing….and accepting everything.

Embracing the moment, dozing in the comfort and gestating the dreams beyond doing.

The dream that dwells in the heart then has room to breathe and make itself know beyond identities that may claim you.

Fertile ground for acknowledgement and acceptance.

Rich soil where roots can dig down and true nature can take over…

telling the story of the possibilities of our dreams.


Gaye Abbott, 5/30/19










Inspiration From Maya Angelou


Uplift just published a short article on this amazing woman of character, passion, transparency and strength.  I am passing some of their words on to you for inspiration – and to challenge YOU to mine the depths of your heart and soul for your own unique answers to these questions.

“Born in St. Louis in 1928, Maya Angelou had an unmistakable rhythm to her soul, a deep strength that held her up and the ability to make words dance. Just like a phoenix, she faced adversity in her life, and rose, again and again, from the ashes.

Having lived her life to the fullest against all odds, Maya Angelou fought to show the world the truth of what she believed– that every life counts and “it takes each of us to make a difference for all of us.” Today, we’re sharing inspiration from the great woman herself, so that we can all rise together.

Inspiration From a Poet that Will Make Your Heart Sing

On life:
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.

On the power of perspective:
If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.

On what really counts:
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

On the power of forgiveness:
It’s one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, to forgive. Forgive everybody.

On having your own back:
I learned a long time ago the wisest thing I can do is be on my own side, be an advocate for myself.

Maya Angelou quoteI’m a woman. Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That’s me.


On finding the balance:
A wise woman wishes to be no one’s enemy; a wise woman refuses to be anyone’s victim.

On the importance of courage:
One isn’t necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.

On personal growth:
We have to confront ourselves. Do we like what we see in the mirror? And, according to our light, according to our understanding, according to our courage, we will have to say yea or nay – and rise!

On the value of each and every action:
I’m convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done everywhere. For a change, start by speaking to people rather than walking by them like they’re stones that don’t matter. As long as you’re breathing, it’s never too late to do some good.

On aging your own way:
The most important thing I can tell you about aging is this: If you really feel that you want to have an off-the-shoulder blouse and some big beads and thong sandals and a dirndl skirt and a magnolia in your hair, do it. Even if you’re wrinkled.

And finally, on herself:
I would like to be known as an intelligent woman, a courageous woman, a loving woman, a woman who teaches by being.” (Taken from https://upliftconnect.com/)


Gaye Abbott, Natural Passages Consulting, 2/14/19

What I Wouldn’t Give….

“What I wouldn’t give for 5 more minutes on the dance floor, while my legs were still strong enough to carry me”

There was a video posted here (and where the quote came from) that was a strong declaration, via older women’s wisdom, about the importance of “being” versus “doing”.   Within a short period of time the video was not to be found anywhere and was not accessible.  Perhaps it is my lack of competency in the technology of internet, but for whatever reason it is a loss not to have it posted here.

Instead, the quote above speaks for itself in a multitude of domains in our lives no matter what age we are.  Not simply about “dancing” but how we live our lives.

This past week I experienced the death of a much older brother.  Within the space that was created by his transition I realized once again that it is not death that is our “enemy”, but instead not fully living in the moments we are given and blessed with.  By far the more serious potential regret.

Living life as fully expressed women as if every moment was your last  – being open and present to what is unfolding without any “hold backs” – is by far the wiser choice for a testament to the fullness of your Being this time around….


Gaye Abbott, RYT



Gaye in Bali, Indonesia/Global Healing Conference


Coaching and Editing for Transformative and Visionary Writers

I help you reveal new possibilities in your creative work

Language is fundamental to who we are as biological beings and is the primary vehicle for taking action that produces effective results. It inherently carries within it our identity in the world and the potential for connection and collaboration.

As an advanced practitioner of Jin Shin Jyutsu I am able to see and work with the connection between the body’s energy system and that of language. Conversations actually live in our bodies. Words hold energy that stimulate our biology in various ways.

Transformative writing opens spaces, triggers possibility and stimulates your reader to take effective action.

This is Language as Energy Medicine.

Read More Here


Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient Art rather than a technique. An Art is a skilled, limitless creation whereas a technique is a mechanical application.

A session of Jin Shin can potentially harmonize, redirect, unblock and recharge the energy flows along the pathways of the body. Read More Here


Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy intimately works from the inside out to assist you in discovering areas in body, mind, emotions, spirit that may be contracting the essence of your full potential in life.

A simple peeling away of layers to bring to light and life the beautiful structure of your unique being. Read More Here



Give Us This Day Our Daily Breath Preview, Reviews and purchase links can be found here:



As I Sing I Rise Today_1



The first time I viewed this video I was most certainly taken by the beauty of the images and the prose.  Even captivated by the woman’s voice that held the hint of being from some “exotic” place.

But what took me down into the deeper reaches of my soul as a woman was something that remained a little more challenging to articulate.  Tears welled up every time I watched this and the “why?” somewhat escaped coming to form in language for awhile.

But then I felt it in my cells….an emergence of the feminine – in myself and all women across the globe – in a way and form that this sacred planet we live upon is ever whispering to each and every one of us no matter where we live or what situation and circumstances we find ourselves in.

Rising up….EMERGING….as interconnected feminine power, creativity, wisdom, and courageousness within each of our unique structures of being.

And what made me weep was the knowing that we are not alone in this rising up.  We never have to be alone as we mine the depths of who we are – our calling and purpose, our vision and creative outpourings – and through that congruent alignment automatically create a space for other women (and men) to move towards us and touch in for awhile….or a lifetime.  To collaborate, inspire, hold and vision…..united in taking effective action from a space of Being.

I invite you to watch this video daily for 21 days and embody it’s message.  Listen deeply to what is wanting to emerge from within…..and take a step directly into the heart of it and then out into your life and the world!

Resource for Video:  http://www.wiseatheart.com


Gaye Abbott, RYT




Coaching and Editing for Transformative and Visionary Writers

I help you reveal new possibilities in your creative work

Language is fundamental to who we are as biological beings and is the primary vehicle for taking action that produces effective results.   It inherently carries within it our identity in the world and the potential for connection and collaboration.

As an advanced practitioner of Jin Shin Jyutsu I am able to see and work with the connection between the body’s energy system and that of language. Conversations actually live in our bodies. Words hold energy that stimulate our biology in various ways.

Transformative writing opens spaces, triggers possibility and stimulates your reader to take effective action.

This is Language as Energy Medicine.

Read More Here


Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient Art rather than a technique.  An Art is a skilled, limitless creation whereas a technique is a mechanical application.

A session of Jin Shin can potentially harmonize, redirect, unblock and recharge the energy flows along the pathways of the body. Read More Here


Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy intimately works from the inside out to assist you in discovering areas in body, mind, emotions, spirit that may be contracting the essence  of your full potential in life.

A simple peeling away of layers to bring to light and life the beautiful structure of your unique being. Read More Here



Breath-Book-coverW2(1)Give Us This Day Our Daily Breath Preview, Reviews and purchase links can be found here:


Keep The Channel Open


Miki Orihara in Martha Graham’s Embattled Garden

Miki Orihara in Martha Graham’s Embattled Garden


“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep yourself open and aware to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open.”
Martha Graham

My hand lifts to receive the pressure and direction of another’s hand. Waiting, perhaps only micro seconds, until the sensation in my body informs me of what movement is next, what action will unfold me towards the next stage of this journey.

There is no thinking here, simply deep listening and following the rhythm of the music, my partners energy, and sensations direction – unfolding effortlessly in tune with the operation of life now.

Is there language here? Yes. The conversations of my body. Absolutely trusting this language of biology to lead me into the next action, the next subtle or active movement.

A sensation triggers a thought which translates into motion all in a fraction of time so fast that it seems like nothing and eternity all rolled into one. Timeless.

Freedom through surrender to the flow of life. Our lives. Our expression.

This experience is one I have often on the ecstatic dance/contact improv dance floor. More often it is an experience I am having in everyday life – in relationships, livelihood/calling, collaborations, finances…..all the domains of life.

Certainly there are many places where blockage/resistance appears, yet the declaration to stay embodied, and operate from that space, supports return to a fluid passage through even the rough spots.

Having just finished a very powerful journey through the landscapes of nature in Tree Sister’s sponsored 6-week teleclass with Mary Reynolds Thompson, author of Reclaiming Your Wild Soul, I have been reminded of how precious and unique each woman’s uncensored expression is to the world…and to herself.

Unique as there is no other like it.

Precious because the world requires the gifts we have been uniquely structured to bring this lifetime.

And if we withhold, this wild untamed expression that can only be channeled through each one of us….will indeed be lost forever.

I for one have often held back and hid behind cultures background conversations that women were not supposed to show up in their “naked” expression. To even be “ashamed” of it….or worse lose their life for it.

Perhaps there were ancient lifetimes that laid down cellular memory with the innate danger of speaking out, moving to the rhythm of creative expression, or even standing tall or taking action on what is most important to us.

But now, now we are called to be midwives to the shift and transformation that is shaking this Earth we call home. Midwives to saying yes to opening the doors, windows – bodies and voices of our heart and soul.

11828629_10207381262549008_131282233859083123_nA time to crack open the cages we have placed ourselves in. To remove the bars to our self-imposed prisons. To collaborate, connect with and support other women in doing the same.

What we do with this most precious of expressions is up to us. How we shall bring it, or not, is a choice that each of us must sit with before taking action.

In that moment of reckoning when the soft dark cave of invisibility draws you ever deeper – listen to the sensations that are embodied in that moment and follow the energy that is calling you forth.

Leading with fear of dismemberment…..or choosing nourishment

for the soul’s calling?


Gaye Abbott, RYT




Coaching and Editing for Transformative and Visionary Writers

I help you reveal new possibilities in your creative work

Language is fundamental to who we are as biological beings and is the primary vehicle for taking action that produces effective results.   It inherently carries within it our identity in the world and the potential for connection and collaboration.

As an advanced practitioner of Jin Shin Jyutsu I am able to see and work with the connection between the body’s energy system and that of language. Conversations actually live in our bodies. Words hold energy that stimulate our biology in various ways.

Transformative writing opens spaces, triggers possibility and stimulates your reader to take effective action.

This is Language as Energy Medicine.

Read More Here


Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient Art rather than a technique.  An Art is a skilled, limitless creation whereas a technique is a mechanical application.

A session of Jin Shin can potentially harmonize, redirect, unblock and recharge the energy flows along the pathways of the body. Read More Here


Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy intimately works from the inside out to assist you in discovering areas in body, mind, emotions, spirit that may be contracting the essence  of your full potential in life.

A simple peeling away of layers to bring to light and life the beautiful structure of your unique being. Read More Here



Breath-Book-coverW2(1)Give Us This Day Our Daily Breath Preview, Reviews and purchase links can be found here:


Wild Soul Woman


A Wild Soul Woman is rooted, powerful, authentic,
instinctual, and awake.
She feels her oneness with the Earth and the strength,
sensuality, and creativity this kindles in her…
~Mary Reynolds Thompson

I have always, since a small child, resonated with the natural world around me.  It simply felt an extension of myself, deeply connected to the Source of my being.  This sacred connection has continued on into adulthood.  I expect that it will always be there right up to that last embodied transition into death.

Returning  back into the Earth,  encouraging other life into creation.

Without this connection nothing makes sense!

This is why I was thrilled to recently read Reclaiming The Wild Soul by Mary Reynolds Thompson.  The content of this book gathers it’s impact from a very large contextual space.  A space returning us to nature’s landscapes that hold, nourish and inform us of who we are in every moment of our lives, and intimately connect us to the elements that we are made from.


An Invitation to Return Home

download-phpReclaiming the Wild Soul: How Earth’s Landscapes Restore Us To Wholeness by Mary Reynolds Thompson

Delving into the wildness of this poetic prose of a book brought me “home”. Home to the elements that make up the “wild being” of who and what I am. The elements of Earth’s scared natural world, calling out to us so powerfully at this time in our planet’s history to come back “home” to the inner landscapes of our wild souls – reconnecting and communing in ways that shift the delicate balance back from the ego’s domestication, taming and destructive actions – into a natural state of cohabiting harmony in intimate and deep listening relationship with the Earth.

I could not stop reading this exquisitely powerful book, and am now on my second read through, stopping to ponder and inhabit the landscapes and the words that flow through me onto the journal page. At times I was reminded of John O’Donohue’s writing that draws us in to a much larger context from a place of simply Being. It is not just a “healing” that needs to happen here, but a complete return to absolute devotion to the wild landscapes and elements that bring us life with every breath we take. Mary Reynolds Thompson has brilliantly succeeded in opening that space for us to explore within and without, guiding us to take effective and conscious action from the wildness of all life – from the depths of our souls.

Gaye Abbott- Author of Give Us This Day Our Daily Breath, Weekly Breathing Spaces to Delight, Rest and Reflect In.


A few days ago Mary Reynolds Thompson blessed  many globally with her presence on an introductory conference call sponsored by Tree Sisters.  You can listen to this same call by clicking HERE and also learn about a 6-week on-line course entitled A Wild Soul Woman: A Journey Into Your Untamed Self .

Are you a Wild Soul Woman?

Are you ready to embody and express from your wild soul—the part of you that knows you are one with rivers, forests, and mountains? Are you ready to break free of the fears and cages that hold you back? Are you longing to experience yourself and Earth as the powerful, embodied Feminine? If yes – then this course is an invitation your wild soul has been waiting for.

Join me and 100’s of women globally by registering soon. Starting on July 7th!  I will hear you there….. READ MORE HERE


Gaye Abbott, RYT




Coaching and Editing for Transformative and Visionary Writers

I help you reveal new possibilities in your creative work

Language is fundamental to who we are as biological beings and is the primary vehicle for taking action that produces effective results.   It inherently carries within it our identity in the world and the potential for connection and collaboration.

As an advanced practitioner of Jin Shin Jyutsu I am able to see and work with the connection between the body’s energy system and that of language. Conversations actually live in our bodies. Words hold energy that stimulate our biology in various ways.

Transformative writing opens spaces, triggers possibility and stimulates your reader to take effective action.

This is Language as Energy Medicine.

Read More Here


Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient Art rather than a technique.  An Art is a skilled, limitless creation whereas a technique is a mechanical application.

A session of Jin Shin can potentially harmonize, redirect, unblock and recharge the energy flows along the pathways of the body. Read More Here


Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy intimately works from the inside out to assist you in discovering areas in body, mind, emotions, spirit that may be contracting the essence  of your full potential in life.

A simple peeling away of layers to bring to light and life the beautiful structure of your unique being. Read More Here



Breath-Book-coverW2(1)Give Us This Day Our Daily Breath Preview, Reviews and purchase links can be found here:
