Women Who Thrive, Change The World!

Archive for the ‘Union With Nature’ Category

What You Are The World Is


“What you are the world is.  And without your transformation there can  be no transformation of the world. “ J. Krisnamurti

In the early days of my spiritual explorations, beginning many years ago now, I found Krishnamurti and many other philosophers who helped guide me along my path.

Then I dug deeper and found the places inside my feminine self that lived, breathed and embodied the interconnected way of being…….

……versus thinking about it.

All life expanding and gathering inside the Universe of our own body, heart and soul.

Aren’t we always undergoing alchemy – a transformation that is not a goal to reach, but an on going peeling away of the old skin of conditioned patterns that are ready to be shed over and over again.

Are we so stuck in limited human thought that we can’t wake up to the sound a hummingbird makes while sipping nectar from the vast inner dimensions of a purple flower?


Copyright Gaye Abbott, 10/20/19





Freeing What Waits Within You


Wolf Creek, Grass Valley, California

I believe in all that has never yet been spoken
Rainer Maria Rilke

(English version by Anita Barrows and Joanna Macy)

I believe in all that has never yet been spoken.
I want to free what waits within me
so that what no one has dared to wish for

may for once spring clear
without my contriving.

If this is arrogant, God, forgive me,
but this is what I need to say.
May what I do flow from me like a river,
no forcing and no holding back,
the way it is with children.

Then in these swelling and ebbing currents,
these deepening tides moving out, returning,
I will sing you as no one ever has,

streaming through widening channels
into the open sea.

If you were a body of water what would you be? What qualities would you possess and what color(s) would you reflect?

Water often represents flow even in a frozen form, for eventually it will melt and flow once again.  From where I am in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains I know the rivers and creeks originating from many sources all flow down to the sea where our ancient lineage first came into being.

Perhaps water can be used as a metaphor in your life for freeing what may be stuck .  We all have those places inside that resist the flow, just like rocks and other debris in rivers, streams and creeks.

What path does the river or creek water take?  Discovering its way around and back to the Source – far too compelling to stay still for very long.

Joining with other waters – “widening channels into the open sea.”

Void of planning or controlling the outcome or your expression, but instead awakening to what it is like to simply let go and allow life to unfold possibility…

What does that look and feel like to you?


I am the wild creek emerging from a deep source embraced within the earth.

Flowing down the hill within rock banks and past guardian trees.

Holding me on course.

I am the creek always flowing and clearing the way.

Taking bits and pieces of life depositing them where new growth can spring forth,

Opening pathways with powerful creative force.

Finding a way around obstacles,

Through the ancient knowing of elemental wisdom.

Sometimes roaring with passionate, playful aliveness,

and in other moments still with possibility.

You may drink from me and find that the mystery becomes

clear enough to find your way,

into the heart of your unexpressed being.

Gaye Abbott, 6/30/19


OTHER BLOGS By Gaye Abbott:
















I Am Because….


I am because everything else is.  I am in everything and everything is in me.

The wilderness outside of me is inside of me.  Unified as one continuous thread of life weaving a tapestry of intricate and astounding beauty, complexity……and simplicity.

No one moment, thought, sensation or energy flow ever unfolds exactly the same.   Wildness in it’s essence…

“What is the body made of?  The ancient elements.  The same minerals we find in clay, in sand and mud, the stuff of earth.  We share limbs, arms, and trunks with the trees.  The dendrites of nerve cells and the bronchiole of the lung are both named for their resemblance to the branches of trees that extend in finer and finer lines from the central trunk, the main axis.  Can you sense that your own spine is like a tree trunk, a ladder connecting ground and sky, heaven and earth?


….or perhaps we are vertical rivers, walking watersheds, all our tissues supported by elaborate systems of irrigation and drainage.  We are made of water and are thirsty for more.  Water flows over the surface of the skin, the earth, across the land, on top of the land, inside the land, across the body, inside the body…

….Fluid mysteries – water sings, and the body is the song.”

-J. Ruth Gendler, From Notes On The Need For Beauty


Gaye Abbott




Coaching and Editing for Transformative and Visionary Writers

I help you reveal new possibilities in your creative work

Language is fundamental to who we are as biological beings and is the primary vehicle for taking action that produces effective results.   It inherently carries within it our identity in the world and the potential for connection and collaboration.

As an advanced practitioner of Jin Shin Jyutsu I am able to see and work with the connection between the body’s energy system and that of language. Conversations actually live in our bodies. Words hold energy that stimulate our biology in various ways.

Transformative writing opens spaces, triggers possibility and stimulates your reader to take effective action.

This is Language as Energy Medicine.

Read More Here


Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient Art rather than a technique.  An Art is a skilled, limitless creation whereas a technique is a mechanical application.

A session of Jin Shin can potentially harmonize, redirect, unblock and recharge the energy flows along the pathways of the body. Read More Here


Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy intimately works from the inside out to assist you in discovering areas in body, mind, emotions, spirit that may be contracting the essence  of your full potential in life.

A simple peeling away of layers to bring to light and life the beautiful structure of your unique being. Read More Here



Breath-Book-coverW2(1)Give Us This Day Our Daily Breath Preview, Reviews and purchase links can be found here:


Wild Soul Woman


A Wild Soul Woman is rooted, powerful, authentic,
instinctual, and awake.
She feels her oneness with the Earth and the strength,
sensuality, and creativity this kindles in her…
~Mary Reynolds Thompson

I have always, since a small child, resonated with the natural world around me.  It simply felt an extension of myself, deeply connected to the Source of my being.  This sacred connection has continued on into adulthood.  I expect that it will always be there right up to that last embodied transition into death.

Returning  back into the Earth,  encouraging other life into creation.

Without this connection nothing makes sense!

This is why I was thrilled to recently read Reclaiming The Wild Soul by Mary Reynolds Thompson.  The content of this book gathers it’s impact from a very large contextual space.  A space returning us to nature’s landscapes that hold, nourish and inform us of who we are in every moment of our lives, and intimately connect us to the elements that we are made from.


An Invitation to Return Home

download-phpReclaiming the Wild Soul: How Earth’s Landscapes Restore Us To Wholeness by Mary Reynolds Thompson

Delving into the wildness of this poetic prose of a book brought me “home”. Home to the elements that make up the “wild being” of who and what I am. The elements of Earth’s scared natural world, calling out to us so powerfully at this time in our planet’s history to come back “home” to the inner landscapes of our wild souls – reconnecting and communing in ways that shift the delicate balance back from the ego’s domestication, taming and destructive actions – into a natural state of cohabiting harmony in intimate and deep listening relationship with the Earth.

I could not stop reading this exquisitely powerful book, and am now on my second read through, stopping to ponder and inhabit the landscapes and the words that flow through me onto the journal page. At times I was reminded of John O’Donohue’s writing that draws us in to a much larger context from a place of simply Being. It is not just a “healing” that needs to happen here, but a complete return to absolute devotion to the wild landscapes and elements that bring us life with every breath we take. Mary Reynolds Thompson has brilliantly succeeded in opening that space for us to explore within and without, guiding us to take effective and conscious action from the wildness of all life – from the depths of our souls.

Gaye Abbott- Author of Give Us This Day Our Daily Breath, Weekly Breathing Spaces to Delight, Rest and Reflect In.


A few days ago Mary Reynolds Thompson blessed  many globally with her presence on an introductory conference call sponsored by Tree Sisters.  You can listen to this same call by clicking HERE and also learn about a 6-week on-line course entitled A Wild Soul Woman: A Journey Into Your Untamed Self .

Are you a Wild Soul Woman?

Are you ready to embody and express from your wild soul—the part of you that knows you are one with rivers, forests, and mountains? Are you ready to break free of the fears and cages that hold you back? Are you longing to experience yourself and Earth as the powerful, embodied Feminine? If yes – then this course is an invitation your wild soul has been waiting for.

Join me and 100’s of women globally by registering soon. Starting on July 7th!  I will hear you there….. READ MORE HERE


Gaye Abbott, RYT




Coaching and Editing for Transformative and Visionary Writers

I help you reveal new possibilities in your creative work

Language is fundamental to who we are as biological beings and is the primary vehicle for taking action that produces effective results.   It inherently carries within it our identity in the world and the potential for connection and collaboration.

As an advanced practitioner of Jin Shin Jyutsu I am able to see and work with the connection between the body’s energy system and that of language. Conversations actually live in our bodies. Words hold energy that stimulate our biology in various ways.

Transformative writing opens spaces, triggers possibility and stimulates your reader to take effective action.

This is Language as Energy Medicine.

Read More Here


Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient Art rather than a technique.  An Art is a skilled, limitless creation whereas a technique is a mechanical application.

A session of Jin Shin can potentially harmonize, redirect, unblock and recharge the energy flows along the pathways of the body. Read More Here


Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy intimately works from the inside out to assist you in discovering areas in body, mind, emotions, spirit that may be contracting the essence  of your full potential in life.

A simple peeling away of layers to bring to light and life the beautiful structure of your unique being. Read More Here



Breath-Book-coverW2(1)Give Us This Day Our Daily Breath Preview, Reviews and purchase links can be found here:
